All posts by Anastasia Spanou

Anastasia Spanou is a Building Physicist, MSc (Physics Dept. of the University of Athens (UOA), Greece) specializing in energy saving in buildings. Her main research activities and responsibilities are on energy efficiency of buildings, Indoor Air Quality, rating techniques, and sustainable design strategies. She works as a research scientist in the Center for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving (CRES) with her participation in a variety of National and European projects in energy conservation and the integration of renewable energies in the building sector. She is the creator and the graphic editor of the EnergyHUB for ALL, under the Request2Action project. In addition, she was working as a research scientist in the Group of Building Environmental Studies (UOA) and has participated in national and european research and applied projects related to thermal comfort and indoor air quality in different type of buildings. More info:

ICP Europe releases Project Development Specification

ICP Europe

On 9 May 2016, the Investor Confidence Project Europe announced the release of the ICP Europe Project Development Specification (PDS). The PDS identifies and presents a clear set of guidelines and engineering best practices, from baselining through measurement and verification, which can be applied to create standardised and verified Investor Ready Energy Efficiency™ building renovation projects. These credentialed projects allow investors to better manage project complexity and especially performance risk.

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Επίσκεψη του Αν. Υπουργού Περιβάλλοντος, Γιάννη Τσιρώνη, στο ΚΑΠΕ


Την εκτίμηση του για το έργο που επιτελεί το ΚΑΠΕ, εξέφρασε ο Αν. Υπουργός Περιβάλλοντος και Ενεργείας, αρμόδιος για θέματα περιβάλλοντος, κ. Γιάννης Τσιρώνης, σε επίσκεψη που πραγματοποίησε στις εγκαταστάσεις του Κέντρου στο Πικέρμι την Τετάρτη 18 Μαΐου 2016.


SAVE THE DATE! Investor Days 2016 “Finance and Innovation in Sustainable Energy in Europe”, 16-17 June in Barcelona

Are you…

  • An investor looking to meet top energy efficiency project developers with project pipelines?
  • A project developer seeking to meet top investors looking for projects?
  • Interested in learning about project examples and best practice in Sustainable Energy projects?

Then you need to be at the second edition of Investors Days 2016 in Barcelona.

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«Επενδύοντας για ένα πιο πράσινο μέλλον» – Green Week 2016 – 30/05 έως 3/06/2016. Εγγραφές


The 2016 edition of Green Week, the biggest annual occasion to debate and discuss European environment policy, will take place from Monday, 30 May to Friday, 3 June.
It will focus on the theme “Investing for a greener future”.

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Το έργο ENSPOL για την εφαρμογή του άρθρου 7 της Οδηγίας 2012/27/ΕΕ: Final Conference


The ENSPOL Final Conference will be held on Monday 13th of June 2016 in Brussels, Belgium. This full-day conference will present ENSPOL key results and discuss them with top-level keynote speakers and high level stakeholders.

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